

Finding Community on Campus

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for stopping by! As a current senior and online student, I have started to think back to my first few years at Scripps and the community I found. It was definitely scary as an out-of-state student to come to Scripps not really knowing anyone. Luckily, through clorgs (clubs and organizations) and campus opportunities I was able to find an amazing group of friends! If you’re interested in learning about some of the ways that Scripps students find their community continue reading!

1. SCORE: SCORE is our social justice center on campus and is also where I felt most at home on campus. SCORE houses Scripps-specific identity based clorgs such as Café Con Leche (centers Scripps students that identify as Latinx). As a member of CCL I would love getting together in the space every Thursday at 9 pm to interact with friends and de-stress. This was also a space that I used to attend workshops and study after hours! I have found a strong community through this center and would say this is where I found my core groups of friends


2.  Campus Jobs: It’s not rare for Scripps students to work while they’re a student on campus. There are many job opportunities for campus that exist in various offices across the college as well as student spaces such as (Tiernan Field House, SCORE, and The Motley). As someone who has had multiple jobs every semester on campus, I have found that it’s been a great way to meet new people from different years.


3. CLORGS/Campus Events: Clorgs are a great way to meet new people on campus who have the same interests as you! There are so many clorgs both on Scripps’ campus as well as across the 5c’s that you join. Most clorgs also hold various events throughout the semester that are open to the student body. Going to these events and interacting with the folks there also creates the opportunity to meet new people and create friendships!


4. Classes: Given that classes are mostly small, it’s easy to get to know people! Most professors also provide numerous opportunities for collaboration which naturally helps you find community within the classroom. Once you declare your major you begin to see the some of the same people in classes that are also


One of the great things about college is that you’re constantly always meeting new people! Forming friendships doesn’t begin and end during your first few weeks as a first year. As you begin to explore new interests and take new classes you will naturally find yourself forming connections! Even now, as a senior taking classes online, I am finding myself making friends.
