

Meet Rinny ’23

Hello everybody, my name is Rinny! I am currently a senior at Scripps college and will be graduating in the spring of 2023. I’m from Rochester, Minnesota (yes, I kind of do have “the accent”), so getting to move all the way to Southern California has been super exciting and a great opportunity for a perspective shift. I’m a classics major on the prehealth track, and I’ll probably also be taking a theatre and a biology minor! My main passions in academia are interdisciplinary and holistic learning — it’s really important that every person develops their own personal philosophy and ethical frameworks so they can view the world around them critically. My goal after college is to help to address healthcare inequities! I’ve found that the Claremont Colleges and specifically Scripps have done an excellent job of setting me up to pursue any aspect of higher education I’ve found myself interested in. I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in healthcare, but I was super excited when I found out Scripps’ courseload would allow me to also branch out into different areas of academics. I found that Classics has been a great fit for me, as it combines a lot of interesting aspects of philosophy, theatre, history, and politics. I really feel that my time in the humanities has helped to broaden my perspective and critical thinking, something that is absolutely vital for STEM fields as well!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]! Have a great day!
