

You’ve Applied to College, Now What?

Now that you’ve applied to Scripps and the other colleges on your list, we’re sure that you’re looking for things to do to distract yourself before the long wait for decisions to come out. Especially since some fun winter activities you might do over your break aren’t feasible or Covid safe, here are 10 suggestions on how you can occupy yourselves while you wait!


  1. Watch tv shows and movies about college! No matter which shows/movies you choose, they’ll be over the top and inaccurate so you can be rest assured that your college experience won’t be as messy as theirs! (let’s hope!)
  2. Rearrange your bedroom! We’re sure that Zoom or hybrid school has burned you out at least a little. Even if you can’t redecorate or get new things for your room, rearranging it could provide a change of scenery to help improve your mood and change around your environment!
  3. Catch up on sleep! After several months of Zoom classes and college applications, you must be tired so be sure to let your body rest. You’ve earned it!
  4. Stay off your phone/social media for a whole day! With taking classes, turning in homework, and staying up to date on the world all on a screen, taking a break from it all for a longer period of time can do you some good! Read a good book, do a puzzle with your family, or talk to your neighbors.
  5. Do not worry and stress about ‘reviewing’ certain subjects for a college course, take the time to enjoy breaks before college. 
  6. Play with your pets! Before you know it, you’ll have to live away from them for awhile, and it’ll be nice to stock up on memories before you move into your future school!
  7. Spend time in nature (safely). It can be nice to get some fresh air even if you just take a walk around the neighborhood. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery to calm down.
  8. Take pictures of any memories you have with family, friends, and pets! It will help with homesickness and can be added as decorations for your dorm. 
  9. Pick up a new hobby or rediscover an old one! It can be nice to distract yourself with an activity so whatever you’re into whether that’s painting or soccer, have fun with it!
  10. Take a deep breath. You’ll be fine! It’s out of your hands and you’ve done the best that you can do. Someone will see how awesome you are and you’ll be in college somewhere even if it’s not your top choice. 


If you need some help visualizing some of our suggestions, be sure to check out our TikTok (@scrippsadmission) for some visual aids and more content soon!

