

ConverAction with Carla Hall and Brenda Ice

Dear Scripps Students, Faculty, and Staff,

The IDEA Initiative is delighted to offer a ConverAction with
Carla Hall and Brenda Ice on Tuesday, September 24 at 4:30pm.

Carla Hall, Top Chef contender and former co-host of The Chew, is a champion of connecting communities with the culinary world. She serves as a culinary ambassador for Sweet Home Cafe at the National Museum of African American History and Culture and is an active member of Helen Keller International, an organization focused in part on preventing malnutrition.

Brenda Ice oversees the Office of Residential Life (ORL), Office of Student Engagement (OSE), and New Student Programs and Orientation (NSPO).

We welcome the Scripps community to join Carla and Brenda in this ConverAction for an opportunity to discuss food justice, food choice, and the impact on climate change.

Please sign up to attend the dinner and discussion as space is limited:
