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Previous McGregor Fellows and Faculty

| 2022 | | 2021 | | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 |


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Abigail Lanham and Benjamin Honeyford Mark Bjelland, Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies The Revitalized Rust Belt
Ashlyn Franklin and Nathanael Kastner Kevin den Dulk, Political Science; Jason VanHorn, Geology, Geography, and Environment Restorative Justice for Returning Citizens: A Mapping Project
Kara Aardema and Haley Prell Kristin Du Mez, Historical Studies Live, Laugh, Love: A Cultural History of White Christian Womanhood
Gabby Freshly and Natalie Sytsma Craig Hanson, Visual and Performing Arts Calvin's Knollcrest Campus: A Fifty-Year Celebration, 1973-2023
Ethan Meyers Doug Koopman, Political Science Indispensable Supports: Religion, Public Morality, and Politics in American Culture
Aaron Toth Sung Soo Lim, Economics Optimism and Economic Decisions
Tianrong Lin and Anastasia Watson Matthew Lundberg, Religion Justice, Vocation, Kingdom of God, and Sabbath: New Course Development for "Reflecting Faith: Resources for Christians in the Academy"
Matthew Chandra Clair Mesick, Religion Social Justice and Public Health in the Bible


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Katie Rosendale and Lydia Walls Kristen Alford, Social Work Evaluating a Long-Term Filter Distribution Project in Liberia
Madelyn Vander Veen Mark Bjelland, Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies The Post-Industrial City and What Was Left Behind
Amy Miller Elizabeth Byma, Nursing Using Arts and Humanities to Enhance Baccalaureate Nursing Education
Ashlyn Franklin, Nathanael Kastner, and Anna Thede Kevin den Dulk, Political Science; Jason VanHorn, Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies Restorative Justice for Returning Citizens: A Mapping Project
Kara Aardema, Tiffany Kajiwara, and Michelle Merritt Kristin Du Mez, Historical Studies Live, Laugh, Love: A Cultural History of White Christian Womanhood
Gabrielle Eisma Jennifer Hoag, Visual and Performing Arts Art Production and the Natural World
Abigail Ham and Jihoon Hong Doug Koopman, Political Science American Religion and Its Contribution to Political Culture
Michaela Giovanelli Sung Soo Lim, Economics Optimism and Economic Decisions


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Emma McCallion Abraham Ceballos-Zapata, Spanish Future Visions in Language Pedagogy: Conversations on Artificial Intelligence between Language Educators and Computer Scientists
Peter Olson and Yejae Kim Kevin den Dulk, Political Science; Jason VanHorn, Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies Restorative Justice for Returning Citizens: A Mapping Project
Kate DeHaan Kristine Johnson, English Writer Identity in Transition
Adelaide Nyanyo Sung Soo Lim, Economics Poverty Trap in Developing Countries: Prolonged Illness and Household Debt
Elias Jesus Mark Mulder, Sociology Rustbelt Religion: Rural Consciousness, Politics, and Religious Identity
Neil Sutherland Darrell Rohl, History ArchaeoSQL: Data Modeling and Relational Database Development for Archaeological Research
Caleb Ackerman Samuel Smartt, Communication Luminous Feature Documentary Distribution
Ellen Jones Stephen Staggs, History Members Only: Race & Religion in the Reformed Protestant Dutch Churches in New York and New Jersey, 1772-1827
Maggie Backus Dwight TenHuisen, Spanish A Spanish Colonial Filipino Manuscript: Creating an English Translation and a Critical Edition
Saara Spitzer James Turner, Mathematics and Statistics; Laura Smit, Religion Thinking Beautifully: Developing Multi-Disciplinary Christian Scholarship through the Lens of Beauty


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Hallie Miller Kristen Alford, Social Work Water and Health: Contextualizing and Evaluating Water Filter Distribution in Liberia (Phase 3)
Evalyn Pelfrey and Rylan Shewmaker Mark Bjelland, Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies Post-Industrial Places: The New Inner City and What Was Left Behind
Jason Entingh, Liam Ferraby and Jennifer Randall Kevin den Dulk, Political Science Restorative Justice for Returning Citizens: A Mapping Project
Kendall Nash Becky Haney, Economics Shaken, not Stirred: Examining Economic Resilience in the Face of Demand Shocks
Robert Lang Maria Lam, Business Managing Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations
Esther Baidoo Sung Soo Lim, Economics The Human Mind and Economic Decisions in Developing Countries: What We Know and What We Don't
Karolyn DeKam Mark Mulder, Sociology Rustbelt Religion: Rural Consciousness, Politics, and Religious Identity
Diederick Reitsma David Noe, Classics Research on 16th and 17th Century Theological Latin Theological and Philosophical Works
Annake VandeBrake Sam Smartt, Communication Luminous Documentary and Educational Outreach Project
Kate Poortenga Laura Smit, Religion Beautiful Theology
Lauren Cole and Garrett Strpko Kristin Du Mez, History; Debra Rienstra, English; Kevin Timpe, Philosophy Beyond the University, Public Scholarship and Social Engagement
Sam Poortenga Joel Westra, Political Science Shaping the International Security Order: Global Security Governance in a Changing World


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Lauren Moose Adel Abadeer, Economics A comparative Analysis of Women's Exclusion in the Arab World
Jamison Koeman Kristen Alford, Social Work Water and Health: Contextualizing and Evaluating Water Filter Distribution in Liberia (Phase 2)
Nathaniel Finneran Tim Bergsma, Business White-Collar Crime and Fraud: An Exploration of Sins of Omission in a Business Context
Noah Schumerth Mark Bjelland, Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies Public and Private Space in New Towns, the New Urbanism, and Conservation Developments
John Waldrop Kevin Corcoran, Philosophy Minds, Brains and Persons
Liam Ferraby and Annalane Miller Kevin den Dulk, Political Science, and Jason VanHorn, Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies Reducing Recidivism: Mapping Applications for Returning Citizens
Clayton Francisco Jane Hendriksma, Residence Life, and Amber Warners, Kinesiology Extending the Impact of the Gainey Leadership Retreat: Assessing, Optimizing and Continuing the Impact of a Student Leadership Training Retreat
Anu Teodorescu Doug Koopman, Political Science The Once and Future Republican Party in the United States: Exploring a Politics of Localism
Eleanor Vander Ark Mark Mulder, Sociology Rustbelt Religion: Faith, Identity, and Race in the Rural Great Lakes
Jacob De Man David Noe, Classics 16th and 17th century Theological Latin Translation Work, and Resident Assistant and Counselor for Tvscvlvm Michiganiense 2018
Joel Riddering and Annake VandeBrake Sam Smartt, Communication Arts and Sciences Video Production for Online Science Curriculum and Editing and Story Development for Feature Documentary
Hannah Jasperse and Josh Maher Dwight TenHuisen, Spanish Exploring the Colonial Archives of Arequipa: Networks and Evangelization Strategies of the Religious Orders in Viceregal Peru
Nicole Sweda Rachel Venema, Social Work Reporting to the Police: Analyzing Sexual Assault Case Data
Kelly Looman and Daniela Pereira Joel Westra, Political Science Shaping the International Security Order: Global Security Governance in a Changing World
Elena van Stee Roman Williams, Sociology Faith Through the Lens: Photovoice and Interfaith Dialogue


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Jamison Koeman Kristen Alford, Social Work Water and Health: Contextualizing and Evaluating Water Filter Distribution in Liberia (Phase 1)
Isabelle Selles Jeffrey Bouman, Service Learning Measuring the Long-Term Effects of Service-Learning on Calvin College Alumni聽
Kelly Looman, Joshua Parks and Kathryn Post Kristin Du Mez, History Religious and Political Polarization in America: A History in 2 (or 3) Parts
Hannah Butler Kristine Johnson, English Assessing Second Language Writers and Writing
Erica Buursma Mark Mulder, Sociology The Perfection of Religious Innovation: Robert Schuller and the Crystal Cathedral Ministries
Janneke Cole Ron Sjoerdsma, Education Preparing Curriculum for a new Christian School in Liberia, West Africa
Joel Riddering Sam Smartt, Communication Arts and Sciences Editing and Story Development for Feature Documentary
Kaitlyn Eekhoff Kevin Timpe, Philosophy Well-being, Agency, and Disability
Matthew Seafield Joel Westra, Political Science Shaping International Security Order: Global Security Governance in a Changing World
James Owens and Marissa Smits Roman Williams, Sociology Visual Sociology on an Urban Farm


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Ashley Zuverink Kristen Alford, Social Work Tracking Urban Healthcare Disparities: A Case Study from Four Grand Rapids Neighborhoods
Alicia De Jong Mark Bjelland, Geology From Rust Belt to Pure Michigan: Brownfields Redevelopment Successes and Failures
Anna Selles Jeffrey Bouman, Service Learning Mapping and Measuring Institutional Community Partnerships: Tracking College Partnerships from Deep and Narrow to Broad and Diverse
Emily Lawson and Abigail Schutte Kevin den Dulk, Political Science The Politics of Clean Water
Anneke Kapteyn and Carolyn Muyskens Jennifer Holberg, English Telling the Stories of the Festival of Faith and Writing: Crafting Our Past, Preparing for Our Future
Kristina Bevill Brian Kreisman, Speech Pathology and Audiology The Effect of Speech Rate and Background Noise on Speech Perception
Shiki Hino Becca McBride, Political Science More Effective Strategies for Teaching across Cultures and the Global Decline of Intercountry Adoption
Eckhart Chan and Michael Lentz William Romanowski, Communication Arts and Sciences Writing about Religion and Film: Revising Eyes Wide Open: Looking for God in Popular Culture
Jack Gibson and Yoolim Song Marjorie Terpstra and Kara Sevensma, Education Educational Technology and Human Flourishing: New Technologies in a Christian School
Tessa Van Laare Amber Warners, Kinesiology Volleyball Position Specific Tactical Training and On Court Meaningful Communication among Volleyball Players using a 6-Way Wireless Microphone System
Isaac LaGrand Joel Westra, Political Science Institutional Architecture of the Postwar International Security Order, Global Security Governance in a Changing World
Kara Bilkert Roman Williams, Sociology Visual Sociology on an Urban Farm


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Sung Hun Choi Becca McBride, Political Science More Effective Strategies for Teaching across Cultures
Rebecca Davis Brian Kreisman, Audiology The Effect of Speech Rate on the Speech Perception of Low- and High-Predictability Sentences
Daniel Baas Sam Smartt, Communication Arts and Sciences Editing and Story Development for Observational Documentary Films
HaYoung (Sharon) Bahng Joel Westra, Political Science Institutional Reform of the Postwar Security Order: Global Security Governance in a Changing World
Nicole Karl and Erika DeKoekkoek Julie Yonker, Psychology; Brian Cawley, Business Virtues and Character Strengths in Young Adults - What's the Impact?
Janaya Crevier Bruce Berglund, History; Jason VanHorn, Geography The Geography of American Sports Success
Emily Wetzel Stephanie Sandberg, Communication Arts and Sciences Child Trafficking in West Africa; Creating Theatre for Development
Kaitlyn Eeckhoff Roman Williams, Sociology Picturing Faith, Strengthening Congregations: Developing Visual Strategies for Engaging, Studying, and Strengthening Congregations
Elle Quist Kara Sevensma, Marj Terpstra, David Smith, Education Educational Technology and Human Flourishing: New Technologies in a Christian School
Katelyn Guichelaar Kristine Johnson, English Writing a History of Rhetoric and Composition: A Corpus Linguistics Study


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Chad Westra Bruce Berglund, History Fathers, Sons, Sport & Masculinity
Alicia Smit Kristin Du Mez, History Uncovering the Religious Roots of Hillary Clinton鈥檚 Foreign Policy
Amy Van Zanen Loren Haarsma, Physics & Astronomy Theology of Original Sin in Various Human Origins Scenarios
Taek Been Nam, Shawntavia Stewart Jonathan Hill, Sociology Assessing Social Scientific Data on Science and Religion
Sasha Saur Cal Jen, Business Managing Marketing from a Christian Perspective
Ian Graham Becca McBride, Political Science The Politics of Intercountry Adoption and Prospects for Ethical Adoption
Michael Bloem, Carolyn Vos Steve McMullen, Economics; Kevin den Dulk and Mikael Pelz, Political Science School Choice Policy and Private School Enrollment
Jessica Koranda Ed Miller, Spanish The Literary contributions of the Afro-Argentine Newspapers: 1825-1895
Lia Gelder David Noe, Classical Languages Transcribing, Editing, Researching, and Translating Three Sixteenth Century Latin Authors: John Calvin, Franciscus Junius, and Franciscus Portus Cretensis
Catherine Fazio Stephanie Sandberg, Communication Arts & Sciences The Literacy Landscape of West Michigan
Kara Venema Chris Smit, Communication Arts & Sciences DISART Festival
Klaas Walhout Thomas Thompson, Religion Towards a Creational-Historical Eschatology
Spencer Cone Bill Van Vugt, History Researching the Anglo-American Connection
Jisoo Kim Joel Westra, Political Science Reforming the Global Security Order: Institutional Legitimacy and Global Security Governance in a Changing World


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Paul Dunteman Thomas Betts, Business Study of the Trends in Book Publishing & Broader Society
Kerrah Pyper Mandy Cano Villalobos, Art & Art History Identity/Identification: Commemorating Victims of Dictatorial Chile through a performative art installation
Derek Buursma Don DeGraaf, Kinesiology/Jeff Bouman, Service Learning Building Faculty Capacity to Equip Students to Engage the Other through Service-Learning, Around the Corner and Across the Globe
Ben Bilgen David Fuentes, Music Exploring the Role of Music in Identity, Sports, and Faith Formation
Maria VanDyken Brian Fuller, Communication Arts & Sciences Documentary Filmmaking:聽 The Camera Obscura
Rachel Hekman Loren Haarsma, Physics & Astronomy Theology of Original Sin in Various Human Origins Scenarios
John Michael La Salle Roland Hoksbergen, Economics Internships and Entry Level Opportunities at Christian NGOs
Laurel Ackerman Calvin Jen, Business Managing Human Resources from a Christian Perspective
Brianne Dekker Marcie Pyper/Cynthia Slagter, Spanish Cultural engagement and language acquisition in Spanish semester abroad programs
Kyung Sung Kim Joel Westra, Political Science Reforming the Global Security Order: Institutional Legitimacy and Global Security Governance in a Changing World


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Kendra Pennings Joke Ayoola, Nursing Reasons for Late Initiation of Prenatal Care Among African American Women Who Wanted to Start Care Earlier
Julie Busscher Marilyn Bierling, Spanish Cuban Refugees:聽 An Oral History Project
Taylor Soderling Gail Heffner, Community Engagement Plaster Creek: the Evolution of an Urban Watershed
Kellan Day Doug Koopman, Political Science Writing college textbook chapters on the U.S. Congress and religion in America
Daniel Molling Steve McMullen, Economics Property Rights, Economics, & Environmental Ethics
Katie Van Zanen Marcie Pyper and Cynthia Slagter, Spanish Cultural engagement and language acquisition in Spanish semester abroad programs
Jordan Davis
Kristin Kibbe
Stephanie Sandberg, Communication Arts and Sciences The Refugee Project: Telling the stories of Grand Rapids Refugees Through Ethnographic Theatre
Michael Perry Jason Stansbury, Business Moral Openness and Ethical Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Study in Business Ethics
Sabrina Lee Elizabeth Vander Lei, English Tracing the Influence of Three Federal White Papers in Educational Reform: A Critical Discourse Analysis
James Randall Joel Westra, Political Science Reforming the Post-Cold War Global Security Order


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Elena Brubaker Marilyn Bierling, Spanish Cuban Refugees:聽 An Oral History Project.
Danielle Ayeh Brian Cawley, Business How to facilitate a 鈥榞ood fit鈥: Organizational socialization practices that facilitate virtuous organizational culture.
Stephen Clemenger Bert de Vries, History Three Dimensional Virtual Reconstruction of Ancient Buildings of Umm el-Jimal, Jordan: An application of engineering and computing in archaeology.
Samuel LeFurge-McLeod Peggy Goetz, Communication Arts & Sciences Merging the Medical and Social Models of Disability:聽 Lessons from Deaf Culture and Audiology.
Brie Elzinga Emily Helder, Psychology Cognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcomes in children who have been internationally adopted.
John Morton Martin Hughes, Sociology Things to Come: Visions of the Future in North American Films, 1950-2009.
Erin Coggin Doug Koopman, Political Science How Firm a Foundation? The Ongoing Uncertainty of a Presidential Faith-Based Office.
Justin Haan Steve McMullen, Economics Examining the Impact of Year-Round Schooling on Student and Teacher Behavior and Achievement Disparities.
Yang Liu Julie Voskuil, Business Let Your Light Shine: Trust, Truth, and Transparency in financial reporting in China.
Alexander Westenbroek Jeff Winkle, Classical Languages The King, His Ring, and the Temple: The Testament of Solomon and the Magical Milieu of Late Antiquity.


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Ashley Pace Jeff Bouman, Service Learning Where's the learning in service-learning?
Ben Botting Marilyn Cain, Business Improving Organizational Cultures and Producing Positive Outcomes that Promote Christian Business Ethics and Principles
Jared Warren Kristin Du Mez, History The Forgotten Woman's Bible
Chelsea Cok Robert Eames, Business lefts and Institutes in Business Higher Education: Michigan Best Practices Study
Gregory Vondiziano Glenn Fetzer, French Assessing French Stylistics Today: Between Linguistic Data and Enunciative Value
Meredith Fennema Simona Goi, Political Science When certainties collide: what debates about torture and gender issues in the military can tell us about constructive public discourse.
Emily Daher Roland Hoksbergen, Economics Following God's Call: Preparing for a Career in International Development
Abby Koning Stephanie Sandberg, Communication Arts & Sciences LINES: Exploring the Lived Experience of Race in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Emma De Vries Jason VanHorn, GEO Geographic Dimensions of Spanish Terrorism: Context, Methods, and Analysis
Ryan De Vries
Griffin Jackson
U.S. Dhuga, Classical Languages
Joel Westra, Political Science
Augustine, Then and Now: Rethinking International Order


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Elise Ditta Don DeGraaf/Cynthia Slagter, HPERDS, Spanish Understanding the Long Term Impact of Calvin's Off Campus Semesters
Mitchell Terpstra Mark Fackler, Communication Arts & Sciences Media and Peace in East Africa: Case Study and Call to Action
Rachel Kuyvenhoven Brian Fuller, Communication Arts & Sciences Camera Obscura - preproduction and planning
David Busscher Becky Haney/Steve McMullen/Kurt Schaefer, Economics Ministry and Pay: Does fair compensation help or hinder ministry? The Impact of Homework in Elementary Schools. Worship, Worldview and Way-of-life: Modeling spiritual formation from denominational survey data
Alison Kopseng Craig Hanson, Art & Art History Print Collections in Seventeenth-Century England
Jessica Wilcoxson Beth Macauley, Communication Arts & Sciences Documenting the Effectiveness of Equine-Assisted Therapy
Megan De Maagd Edward Miller, Spanish The Afro-Hispanic Newspapers of Argentina and Uruguay: 1820-1899
Alissa Goudswaard Debra Rienstra, English Calvin Writers Recommend: A Resource to Support Student Publication of Poetry, Short Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction
Anna Ubels Judith Vander Woude, Communication Arts & Sciences Improving Children's Language and Literacy Skills
Matthew Walters Julie Walton, HPERDS Christian Practice to Pedagogy: Breaking Bread in an Introductory Nutrition Course


Student Faculty Mentor Project Title
Amma Aboagye Dianne Slager, Nursing Assessing African Instituted Church Pastors Attitudes About HIV in Liberia West Africa
Holly Carlson Corwin Smidt, Political Science Religion and Civic Responsibility: A detailed description
Sean Christy Terence Cuneo, Philosophy The Myth of Moral Fictionalism
Michelle De Maagd Peggy Goetz, Communication Arts & Sciences Stroke survivor's attitudes toward their church community
Quinn Harr David Noe, Classical Languages The First English Translation of the whole of the Tractatus Psalmorum of Hilary of Poitiers
Jane Hignett Mark Mulder/Jamie Smith, Sociology/Philosophy Subdivided by Faith? Anti-Urban Bias, Geographical Habits and Theological Influences.
Daniel Hooley Corwin Smidt, Political Science Religion and Civic Responsibility: A detailed description
Emily Keller Julie Voskuil/Leonard VanDrunen, Business Christian Business Owners: Stewards Sharing the Blessings of Wealth
Josh Kuyers Daniel Miller, History Helping Latin American Protestants tell their own story: A Translation Project
Julianna Litts Judy Vander Woude, Communication Arts & Sciences Language and Literacy Growth in At-Risk Elementary School Students
Matthew Logan Joel Westra, Political Science U.S. Perspectives on International Order
Carey James Majeski Stephen Wykstra, Philosophy Should Worldviews Shape Science? A Preliminary Study
Mary Margaret Pierson Elizabeth Vander Lei/Gary Schmidt, English A Literary Map of Michigan
Emma Slager Helen Sterk, Communication Arts & Sciences Women and Leadership in the Christian Reformed Church: Oral Histories


Student Fellow Faculty Mentor Project Title
Laura Vander Neut Johnathan Bascom, Geology, Geography, & Environmental Studies Community Value: Informal Savings Cooperatives in Africa
Marissa Van Reken Bruce Berglund, History History of Christianity in 20th Century Eastern Europe
AJ Hutchinson James Bratt, History Religious Biography In Antebellum America
Austin Hakes Kristin Kobes Du Mez, History Gender, Militarism, and American Evangelicalism
Skye Corey Chad Engbers, English Discovering Renaissance Literature of Repentance
Angela Gould David Fuentes, Music Do You Hear What I Hear?
Jeremy Veenema Roland Hoksbergen, Economics An Evaluation of the Million Mentors Business and Job Creation Program
Jonathan Hirte Douglas Koopman, Political Science Finding, Evaluating, Summarizing and Publishing Classic and Contemporary Readings in Religion and Politics
Ben Post Daniel Miller, History Helping Latin American Protestants tell their own story: a translation project
Megan Thomassen Stephen Monsma, Political Science Producing a DVD for "Christian Prespective on Public Policy Issues Today"
Kyla Vander Hart Amy Patterson, Political Science Protestants and the Politics of AIDS in Zambia and Ghana
Brian Schaap Corwin Smidt, Political Science Religion, Civic Responsibility and Renewing the American Experiment
Jacqueline Smith Patric Spence, Communication Arts & Sciences The Role of Gender and Media Enjoyment during times of Crisis
Esther Miller Benita Wolters-Fredlund, Music A Musicological Study of Handel's聽Judas Maccabeaus聽as sung by Jews in Yiddish Translation during the Holocaust


(Note: the following table lists McGregor Student Fellows alphabetically; some projects supported more than one student.)

Student Fellow Faculty Mentor Research Project
Katelyn Beaty Kathi Groenendyk, Communication Arts & Sciences "The Framing of Community and Faith: a Rhetorical Analysis of Sermons"
Cara Boekeloo Garth Pauley, Communication Arts & Sciences "Landmark Speeches on Black Civil Rights"
Kaitlyn Bohlin Gail Gunst Heffner, Sociology, Denise Isom, Education "Understanding Racialization in Congregations"
Lauren Colyn Jeff Bouman, Service Learning Center "International Service- Learning at Calvin: Why Not?"
Josh Dekker Dan Bays, History "American Public Discourse on the Church in China: A Glass Half-full or Half-empty"
Miriam Diephouse Christiniana deGroot, Religion "Researching 19th Century Women Interpreters of Scripture"
Sylvia Harris Gail Gunst Heffner, Sociology
Claudia Beversluis, Psychology
"Strengthening Liberal Arts Education by Embracing Place and Particularity"
Audrey Horstman KaiLonnie Dunsmore, Education聽
Judy Vander Woude, Communication Arts & Sciences
"听Language and Literacy Invention for Cross-Cultural Middle School Students"
Jenny Hossink Cynthia Kok, Broene CenterLavonne Zwart, Psychology "Integration of Psychology and Christianity for Introductory Psychology"
Amy Jonason Mark Mulder, Sociology "Churches and Neighborhood: The Link Between Worship and Place"
Paula Kielstra Jolene Vos-Camy, French "Love in聽Le Commerce Galant听(1682)"
Brian Klassen Stacy Jackson, Economics & Business "How Leaders Lie: An Investigation into the Competence of Deceit"
Tom Mazanec David Urban, English "John Milton: An Annotated Bibliography, 1989-1999"
Nate Medeiros Ward Cynthia Kok, Broene Center "Integration of Psychology and Christianity for Introductory Psychology"
Emily Oosterhouse Brian Bolt, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, & Sports "Exploring Intercollegiate Sport at Calvin College"
Melissa Rick Gail Heffner, Sociology
Claudia Beversluis, Psychology
"Strengthening Liberal Arts Education by Embracing Place and Particularity"
Kathleen Schmidt Debra FreebergCommunication Arts & Sciences "A Pictorial History of Theatre at Calvin"
Leah Speet KaiLonnie Dunsmore, Education
Judy Vander Woude, Communication Arts & Sciences
"Language and Literacy Invention for Cross-Cultural Middle School Students"
Becky Sullivan Rachel Reed, Education "Pre-College Students' Conceptualization of and Potential with the Scientific Research Process"
Christina Vanden Bosch Irene Konyndyk, French "How Can Students with Learning Disabilities Learn a Foreign Language?"
Jonathan VanderHoek Diane Obenchain, Religion "Small Dictionary for the Study of Religion in English and Chinese"


Student Fellow Faculty Mentor Research Project
Matt Anderson Adel Abadeer
Economics & Business
鈥淟eft Behind: institutional analysis of the state of women in less developed countries (LDCs)鈥
Eric Baker Mark Fackler
Communication Arts & Sciences
鈥淭he Media in Kenya: Values and Obligations in an Emerging Democracy鈥
Sarah DeVries Jolene Vos-Camy
鈥淐atherine Bernard: faith, love and heroism in late 17th century France鈥
Samuel deWalle Paul Moes
鈥淭he Role of Cerebral Hemispheres in Emotions鈥
Sarah Funk Peggy Goetz聽
Communication Arts & Sciences
鈥淲hen and How Children Give Reasons: Justifications in the Talk of 5-, 6-, and 7-year-olds鈥
Allison Graff Quentin Schultze
Communication Arts & Sciences
鈥淩enewing Rhetoric in a World of Deception: Learning from Saints Augustine and Ambrose鈥
Amelia Hicks Quentin Schultze
Communication Arts & Sciences
鈥淩enewing Rhetoric in a World of Deception: Learning from Saints Augustine and Ambrose鈥
Christine Holst Corwin Smidt
Paul Henry Institute
"The Role of Religion in Fostering Civic Responsibility"
Rebecca Jelsema Garth Pauley
Communication Arts & Sciences
鈥淟andmark Speeches on Black Civil Rights鈥
Deborah Kwak Corwin Smidt
Paul Henry Institute
"The Role of Religion in Fostering Civic Responsibility"
Elizabeth Osinga Bert de Vries聽
鈥淩eligion and Society in the transition from Arabia Petraea to Roman Arabia鈥
Karianne Pasma Charsie Sawyer
鈥淎 Classical Song Book of African-American Women Composers for Solo Voice鈥
Catie Schierbeek Amy Patterson
Political Science
鈥淢y People Are Dying: the politics of AIDS in Africa"
Jennifer Vander Heide Bill Romanowski
Communication Arts & Sciences
鈥淓xploring Religion and Film for a 2nd Edition of Eyes Wide Open: Looking for God in Popular Culture鈥
Paul Vliem Cheryl Brandsen
Sociology & Social Work
"Appropriating Historical Scholarship for Integrating Christian Faith and Social Work Practice"


Student Fellow
Faculty Mentor
Research Project
Bethany Keeley Kathi Groenendyk
Communication Arts & Sciences
Contested Meanings of Stewardship
P. Marinus Koole Debra Freeberg
Communication Arts & Sciences
Theatre and Christianity
Jason Martzke Evert Van Der Heide
Economics & Business
Maintaining Business Activity and Jobs in the City of Kentwood, Michigan
Kari Slotsema Shirley Roels
Lilly Vocation Program
The Vocational Leadership of the Laity
Melissa Smith Bruce Berglund
Religion and Culture in Prague: 1890-1930
Mandy Suhr Elizabeth Vander Lei and聽
Dean Ward
Designing and Publishing a Writing Textbook
Nathan Sytsma James K. A. Smith
The Violence of Belief: Democratic Peace Theory's Commitment to Secularization
Justin William Van Geest J. Brooks Kuykendall
Hands-on Musicology: Editing the Music of William Walton
Joy Van Marion Jeff Bouman, Service Learning Center
Don DeGraaf, HPERDS
Mark Mulder, Sociology
Exploring Intentional Christian Community at Calvin College
Brian VanderLugt Kevin Dougherty
Church Closings: Estimating the Rate and Reasons


Student Fellow
Faculty Mentor
Research Project
Amy Byerley Claudia Beversluis
Worship:Forming & Transforming Identity
Laura Collins Claudia Beversluis
Worship:Forming & Transforming Identity
Leslie Harkema Stephanie Sandberg
Communication Arts & Sciences
Spirituality and the Plays of W. B. Yeats
Ben Haven Amy Patterson
Political Science
African State Policies on HIV/AIDS
Kristine Johnson Mark C. Smith
Political Science
The Evolution of Evangelical Republicanism: 1956-2000
Casey Rice Corwin Smidt
Political Science
Spiritual Politics
Mark Schemper Quentin Schultze
Communication Arts & Sciences
Renewing the Habits of Love in a High-Tech World
Zhen (Jackie) Tao Kelly J. Clark
The Religious Roots of Confucius





Roslynn Azzam Fred De Jong,听
Sociology & Social Work
(w/ Peter De Jong)
"Measurement and Correlates of the Helping Relationship in Child Protection"
Abby Bormann Judy Vander Woude,听
Communication Arts & Sciences
"Parents' Corrections of Preschool Children's Responses During Conversations"
Paul Christians Bill Van Vugt,听
"British Buckeyes: The English, Scots, and Welsh in Ohio, 1750-1900"
Dave Cieminis Amy Patterson,听
Political Science
"The Global Politics of AIDS: The Impact of African States on UN Actions"
Jenni Fetters Simona Goi,听
Political Science
"Democracy and Conflict: abortion debates, WTO protests, and community meetings as case studies in agonal engagement"
Kristy Gesink John Timmerman,听
"Investigating the Letters and Diaries of Females in Dutch Settlements West of the Mississippi"
Melissa Keeley Doug Koopman,听
Political Science
"President Bush's Faith-Based Initiatives"
Laura Luchies Paul Moes,听
(w/ Donald Tellinghuisen)
"Development of EEG Laboratory Exercises for Psychology"
Brad Schrotenboer Jonathan Bascom,听
Geology, Geography and Environmental Studies
"Country at the Crossroads: The Geography of Eritrea"
Abram Van Engen Corwin Smidt,听
Political Science
"Unity versus Division: An Analysis of the CRC and RCA Over the Past Quarter Century"





Jessica Bratt Claudia Beversluis聽
& Martin Bolt
"Teaching Toward Virtue"
Peter Bratt Garth Pauley
Communication Arts & Sciences
"Voices of Freedom: An Archive of American Civil Rights Oratory"
Donald Brown Corwin Smidt
Political Science
"The Political Activities of CRC and RCA Pastors in the Presidential Election of 2000: A Comparative Analysis"
Rachel Brown John Netland聽
"Anthology of Victorian Religious Writing"
Jessie Glover Don DeGraaf
Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Studies
"The Benefits of Working at an Organized Camp for Seasonal Staff"
Andrea Kloostra Laura Smit聽
Religion & Theology
"The Ethics of Romance"
Erin Nowak Donald Tellinghuisen聽
(with Paul Moes)
"The Role of Cerebral Hemispheres in Attention"
Christopher O'Brien Evert Van Der Heide
Economics & Business
"The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Wages, Employment, and Income Distribution in Indonesia: 1985-1995"
Tim Thompson Debra Rienstra
"'So Who's the Best?': Forming Canons in the Literary Arts"
Rebecca Tyler Cheryl Brandsen聽
Sociology & Social Work
"Excellence in End-of-Life Care"





Garth Beavon Kurt Schaefer聽
Economics & Business
鈥淪tigma in the European Welfare State鈥
Krista Betts Charles Pollard
鈥淕lobal Traditions and Individual Talents: Research in World Literature鈥
Philip Christman Dean Ward
鈥淒eveloping a Multi-Rhetorical Approach in Writing Centers鈥
Lise Evans Bill Romanowski
Communication Arts & Sciences
鈥淧rotestants and the American Cinema鈥
Kristin Kuiper Beryl Hugen
Sociology & Social Work
鈥淚ntegrating Spirituality into the End of Life Health Care by Developing a Spiritual Care Plan鈥
Katherine Lynch Randall Bytwerk
Communication Arts & Sciences
鈥淏uilding the聽鈥
Katherine Schramm James Bratt
Critics of Revivalism in Antebellum America: An Anthology鈥
Joseph Stubenrauch Mark Williams
Classical Languages
鈥淧athways to Ancient Myth: An Interactive Website for Classical Mythology鈥
Christianne Van Arragon Corwin Smidt聽
Political Science
鈥淔aith of Our Fathers Living Still: An Assessment of Religious Vitality Among CRC Parishioners at the Turn of the Millennia鈥
Emily Zomermaand Kurt Schaefer聽
Economics & Business
鈥淪tigma in the European Welfare State鈥





Candace Johnson Peter De Jong,
Sociology & Social Work
Solution Focused Practice with Involuntary Clients
Janelle Kamerman Judith Vander Woude,
Communication Arts & Sciences
Discourse Styles of Parents and Their Young Children During Shared Bookreading Events
Jane Knol W. Dale Brown,
Research & Preparation for Interviewing Fiction Writers on the Subject of Religion and Literature
Amy Leep Douglas Koopman,
Political Science
The Interplay of Religion and Politics in Kent County, Michigan
Rebekah Ray Susan Felch,听
(w/Donald Stump, St. Louis U.)
Queen Elizabeth and Her Writers
Sara Toering Quentin Schultze,
Communication Arts & Sciences
The Interaction of the Mass Media and Christianity in Twentieth Century America
Matthew Vande Bunte Bert de Vries,
Preparing Statistical Databases and Designing Internet Materials for Website Publishing of Umm-el Jimal Archeological Project Findings
Stacey Vander Kooy Fred De Jong,听
Sociology & Social Work
Does Your Pedigree Matter? The Influence of Selected Sociodemographic Variables and Source of Degree on Academic Careers in Chemistry
Alan Waddilove Ronald Wells,听
A New Scholarly Edition of Josiah Royce鈥檚 California
Victoria Zapata Lambert Zuidervaart,听
Philosophical Conceptions of Artistic Truth