
Guidance for Students

As you are probably aware, in an effort to help protect your and others’ health and safety, the College today that it will move all classes to a virtual environment after spring break. Students are asked not to return to campus after spring break and to meet academic requirements remotely until further notice. Students who do not have travel plans for spring break should make arrangements to leave campus.

All students are expected to leave campus by Wednesday, March 18 at 5:00 p.m.

Petition Process: We understand that there may be some students who believe their circumstances require them to remain on campus.  Consequently, the Dean of Students Office has created a on the Scripps housing portal for students who believe they need to be on campus. The deadline for submitting a petition is Friday, March 13 by 11:59 p.m. These petitions will be reviewed and approvals will be limited.  Students whose petitions are approved are required to remain in Claremont during spring break.

Because the duration of this disruption is unclear, we encourage students to take as many of their belongings as possible, particularly the items and materials they need to continue their studies remotely after the break. Additional instructions and guidance for those students living in Scripps residential facilities (including Scripps-owned houses) can be found .

If you are a Scripps student living in housing not owned by Scripps, you may continue living in your current location. However, you will also be continuing your studies at Scripps remotely and may only come to campus after March 18 for essential services, which include appointments with Student Health Services, Monsour Counseling Center, or the EmPOWER Center.

We understand that the timeline provided for move-out is short, and we will need everyone’s cooperation to ensure things run as smoothly as possible. Please keep in mind that the potential spread of the coronavirus has created extraordinary circumstances, making it necessary that we all do our part to ensure the health and safety of our campus and surrounding community. We also understand that many questions will arise and have included an . This document is located on the Scripps website and will be updated as we have more information.

Please continue to check your email regularly as faculty will be communicating with their classes about Zoom class sessions and other remote academic activities. The Scripps website will be updated with additional information as it becomes available. In addition, although we are not encouraging in-person meetings, students should feel free to contact their via email with questions.

Finally, please note that the College has not made this decision lightly. Scripps is a place that prides itself on our vibrant residential community and the current actions are meant to support public health and diminish the spread of this virus.

In support,

Dean Charlotte

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