
June Student Update

June 24, 2021

Dear Scripps Students,

We hope this finds you well and enjoying the summer break, taking time to restore and do those things that bring you joy. We write with updates and reminders as Scripps prepares to welcome you in the fall.

Federal, state and local agencies continue to ease restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The easing of restrictions reinforces our optimism and increases our excitement about the fall, especially as it relates to the Scripps student experience. The return to campus will balance health and safety priorities with the goal of restoring essential elements of the academic, residential and social experience.

Vaccination Requirement

As indicated in prior communications, one element of the College’s health and safety plan is that all enrolled students be vaccinated against COVID-19, whether living in Scripps housing or not. If you will not be living in Scripps operated housing, you should provide proof of vaccination no later than August 1, 2021. To participate in room selection and live in Scripps operated housing the deadline is earlier. Specifically, no later than July 5 you will need to 1) provide documentation showing that you are fully vaccinated, 2) provide documentation showing that you have received at least one dose of the vaccine, or 3) have received an approved medical or religious exemption. Students who have received at least one dose of the vaccine will need to provide documentation showing full vaccination by July 20, 2021.

Please upload vaccination and medical records through the . You may request exemptions for a medical reason or religious objection .

Quarantine and Arrival Date

We anticipate that a small segment of our student population will either qualify for an exemption or, because they reside abroad, be unable to obtain an approved vaccination. If you believe you will be among the students in either category, please contact your as soon as possible. Prompt notification is important because Residential Life would like to begin working with those students who will need to arrive on Saturday August 14th to quarantine. Students needing to quarantine will be placed in a single occupancy room at the Oasis (KGI) apartments until cleared to be placed in their Scripps assigned housing. Assuming a student does not test positive during the quarantine period, the estimated time of quarantine is seven (7) to ten (10) days.

Students needing to quarantine upon arrival will also be required to provide a negative COVIID test taken no more than 72 hours prior to arrival. Please direct any questions regarding quarantine to your .

Student Housing

Applications to live in Scripps operated housing were sent on June 16th and may be accessed via the . Relevant guidelines now allow the College to utilize selected spaces for triples, which will be reserved primarily for placement of first and second-year students. The addition of triple rooms will reduce but not eliminate the need for spaces at the CGU apartments, where we now anticipate being able to offer singles and doubles. CGU apartments are equipped with a full kitchen, kitchen supplies, furniture, central air, WIFI, free parking, free laundry service and a computer lab. Expect updates regarding amenities and other offerings at CGU later in the housing selection process.

Additional information regarding housing configurations/room occupancies will be provided by Residential Life prior to room placement/selection.

Dining and Meal Plans

Malott Dining is pleased to offer a nineteen (19) weekly meal plan option in addition to the five, (5) twelve (12) and sixteen (16) meal plans. All students living in Scripps-operated housing will be required to purchase a meal plan. Students living in spaces with personal kitchens will be assigned the five-meal plan and may opt to purchase a larger plan. Students living in residential spaces without personal kitchens will be assigned the sixteen-meal plan with the option to choose either the twelve or nineteen-meal plan. Meal plan changes will be accepted after housing confirmation notices are sent on July 20, 2021. Students have until September 10, 2021, to make changes to their meal plans. Questions regarding dining options should be referred to [email protected].

Some students and families have asked whether cross-campus dining will be available when they return to campus. Currently, there are no plans for cross-campus dining during the fall 2021 semester. As relevant guidelines and requirements continue to evolve, Scripps, in conjunction with the other Claremont Colleges, will assess dining options.

Orientation and Move-in

We are pleased to be able to offer expanded orientation opportunities. As a reminder, here are the key dates:

• August 4-7 – International student orientation (virtual)
• August 15-20 – New student orientation (virtual)
• August 17-19 – Rising sophomore orientation (virtual)
• August 25-28 – New student & sophomore orientation (in-person)
• August 27-29 – International student orientation (in-person)

Visit the NSPO website to stay connected with the latest information.

Move-in dates will be staggered over four days. The dates are:

• August 14 – Students with an approved exemption for COVID-19 and students unable to obtain approved vaccination prior to arrival on campus
• August 25 – New students move in
• August 26 – Rising sophomores move-in
• August 27-28 – Rising juniors & seniors move-in

Those student leaders and athletes for whom an early arrival is required will be notified by their department sponsors and/or coaches, who will coordinate early arrival and move-in dates with the Office of Residential Life.

You may have up to two people assist you with move-in as long as they have provided, by August 1, documentation showing that the person is fully vaccinated. Documentation should be uploaded .

Finally, as you may know by now, I have accepted a position at the University of San Diego and will be leaving Scripps prior to your return in the fall. Scripps and its amazing students have been a special part of my life for the past seven years, and I depart with fond memories of the College and the consortium. I leave you in very capable hands. Dean di Bartolo-Beckman is an outstanding leader and will serve you well as interim Vice President and Dean of Students.

Please continue to take care of yourselves and each other, and thanks for all you do for Scripps. Enjoy your summer!

In support and appreciation,

Charlotte Johnson
Adriana di Bartolo-Beckman
