
Message from Dean Johnson

Dear Scripps Students,

I hope you enjoyed spring break and had some time to restore as we move into the last few months of the academic year.

It was a little over a year ago that the pandemic required us to almost completely evacuate our residence halls and pivot to a remote learning environment. This pandemic year has been full of additional stressors, not the least of which are repeated instances or bigotry, hatred, and discrimination. Tuesday’s vicious killings in Georgia of mostly Asian women are the latest of the year’s horrific violence and happened within the context of growing anti-Asian crime throughout this country and the world. I share your grief and your anger.

All of this can make it much harder to cope during what is already one of the busiest times of the academic year. Please take care of yourselves and don’t be shy about connecting to the many resources available at Scripps and the consortium. Do not go it alone!

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my and my colleagues’ deep admiration for our students. We have been repeatedly impressed with the resiliency, strength and humanity you have displayed. You have supported each other, exercised patience, been flexible and served as examples of what Scripps is about at its core. Confidence. Courage. Hope.

We are very much looking forward to transitioning to being in-person in the fall and the most recent updates from Los Angeles County give us every confidence that a Fall 2021 return is in our future. This is particularly so in light of the increased availability of the COVID vaccine and the eagerness of so many to be vaccinated. I strongly encourage you to get vaccinated when you are eligible. Having as many members of our community as possible vaccinated prior to an anticipated fall return is an important goal for the College.

I and the entire Student Affairs Team are standing with you and sending lots of positive energy and good thoughts your way. Do not hesitate to reach out during my office hours, via email or by contacting Christina Rivera to make an appointment.

In support and admiration,

Dean Charlotte
