
Celebrating Bekki Lee’s legacy with new scholarship

When 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 lost Bekki Lee, its beloved and devoted dean of students, in October 2013, the community quickly came together to commemorate her through the Bekki Lee Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund. Specifically founded to honor Lee’s life-long commitment to education, access, and inclusivity, the fund is given to a continuing student interested in furthering these aspirations.

This spring, Victoria “Tori” Sepand ’15 has been named its first recipient.

“I was completely shocked when I found out,” she says. “I did not expect this honor; it feels so humbling and wonderful to know that I have been acknowledged for work I do solely because I care so much about Scripps. I never took leadership roles for the recognition, but instead for the hope of making this school a better place for everyone. This scholarship is the icing on the cake for me.”

Associate Dean of Students Sam Haynes, who nominated Sepand earlier this year, had the honor of telling her about her award.

“At first, she was speechless and overtaken by honor and grief,” he says. “I nominated Tori because her work as a student leader best embraces and represents what the scholarship represents.

“Tori is an advocate for inclusivity, leadership, scholarship, and has a strong dedication to creating opportunities for all Scripps students. Tori told me she hopes to continue to live up to the principles behind this honor; I told her she already has and continues to do so with her work with Scripps Associated Students.”

Dean Lee’s legacy lives on in other ways at Scripps. On February 6, David Hansen, Lee’s husband and dean of the W.M. Keck Science Department, donated her taiko drums to the 5C drum group Psyko Taiko.

“Bekki loved taiko drumming,” Hansen said during the small ceremony. “Loved the fact that Claremont has a troupe and loved working with you. It was really a highlight of her life.”
