
Data Driven: Scripps Integrates Computer Science Skills into a Liberal Arts Curriculum

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In 2016, Ìýthe ÌýNational ÌýAcademies Ìýof ÌýSciences, Engineering, Ìýand ÌýMedicine Ìýin ÌýWashington, ÌýD.C., Ìýconvened Ìýa Ìýcommittee Ìýof Ìýexperts Ìýfrom government, Ìýindustry, Ìýand Ìýacademia Ìýto Ìýexamine undergraduate Ìýenrollment Ìýtrends. ÌýTwo Ìýyears later, Ìýit Ìýissued Ìýa Ìý200-page Ìýstudy Ìýon Ìýthe current Ìýstate Ìýof Ìýcomputational Ìýscience Ìý(CS) in Ìýhigher Ìýeducation Ìýthat Ìýwarned, Ìý“The Ìýleaders of Ìýthe Ìýinstitutions Ìýof Ìýhigher Ìýeducation Ìýthat have Ìýexperienced Ìýrapid Ìýincreases Ìýin Ìýcomputer science Ìýcourse Ìýenrollments Ìýshould Ìýtake deliberate Ìýactions Ìýto Ìýaddress Ìýthis Ìýtrend Ìýwith a Ìýsense Ìýof Ìýurgency.”

More Ìýthan Ìý2,600 Ìýmiles Ìýaway Ìýin ÌýBalch ÌýHall, Scripps Ìýpresident ÌýLara ÌýTiedens, Ìýalong Ìýwith students, Ìýfaculty, Ìýand Ìýstaff, Ìýhad Ìýbeen quietly Ìýdoing Ìýjust Ìýthat. ÌýAnd Ìýthey Ìýwere Ìýready to Ìýtake Ìýaction.

Filling Ìýa ÌýNiche, Ìýthe ÌýScripps ÌýWay

ÌýAccording Ìýto Ìýthe ÌýBureau Ìýof ÌýLabor ÌýStatistics, the Ìýdemand Ìýfor Ìýworkers Ìýwith Ìýskills Ìýin computation Ìýis Ìýexpected Ìýto Ìýgrow Ìý19 Ìýpercent by Ìý2026— a Ìýrate Ìýthat Ìýwill Ìýoutpace Ìýthose projected Ìýfor Ìýall Ìýother Ìýoccupations. ÌýMindful of Ìýthis Ìýtrend, Ìýstudents Ìýacross Ìýthe Ìýcountry from Ìýdiverse Ìýmajors Ìýare Ìýeager Ìýto Ìýlearn ÌýCS skills Ìýin Ìýorder Ìýto Ìýgain Ìýa Ìýcompetitive Ìýedge in Ìýthe Ìýjob Ìýmarket. ÌýAt ÌýScripps Ìýalone, Ìýthe number Ìýof ÌýCS Ìýmajors Ìýhas Ìýalmost Ìýquadrupled over Ìýthe Ìýpast Ìýfew Ìýyears.

Scripps Ìýstudents Ìýinterested Ìýin Ìýmajoring in ÌýCS Ìýhave Ìýdone Ìýso Ìýas Ìýoff-campus Ìýmajors at ÌýHarvey ÌýMudd Ìýor ÌýPomona ÌýCollege, Ìýas Ìýthe other Ìýthree ÌýClaremont Ìýcolleges— ÌýClaremont McKenna, ÌýPitzer, Ìýand ÌýScripps— Ìýdo Ìýnot Ìýhave ÌýCS departments. ÌýThis, Ìýcombined Ìýwith Ìýincreased student Ìýinterest Ìýin Ìýthe Ìýfield, Ìýhas Ìýresulted in Ìýoverdemand Ìýand Ìýovercrowding, Ìýand Ìýnot every Ìýstudent Ìýwho Ìýis Ìýinterested Ìýin Ìýlearning CS Ìýskills Ìýhas Ìýaccess Ìýto Ìýtraining.

During Ìýthe Ìý2017–18 Ìýacademic Ìýyear, Ìýthe ÌýFaculty Executive ÌýCommittee, Ìýthe Ìýcurricular Ìýpolicy body Ìýof Ìýthe ÌýCollege, Ìýagreed Ìýthat ÌýScripps needed Ìýto Ìýdo Ìýmore Ìýto Ìýmeet Ìýstudents’ Ìýneeds Ìýfor Ìýcomputational Ìýtraining. ÌýAround Ìýthe Ìýsame time, ÌýPresident ÌýTiedens Ìýwas Ìýdrafting Ìýthe College’s Ìýnew Ìýstrategic Ìýplan, Ìýwhich Ìýincludes a Ìýpillar Ìýdevoted Ìýto Ìýa Ìýrenewed Ìýemphasis Ìýon being Ìýan Ìýinnovative Ìýlearning Ìýorganization (ILO). ÌýAn ÌýILO Ìý“theme Ìýteam” Ìýcomposed Ìýof faculty, Ìýstudents, Ìýand Ìýstaff Ìýconcurred Ìýwith the Ìýfaculty Ìýcommittee’s ÌýrecommendationÌýto Ìýstrengthen Ìýthe Ìýschool’s Ìýcomputational capacity. ÌýUnderstanding Ìýthat Ìýcomputational skills Ìýtouch Ìýeverything Ìýfrom Ìýtraffic Ìýlights to Ìýhealth Ìýrecords Ìýto Ìýliterary Ìýand Ìýmusical archives, Ìýthe Ìýteam Ìýgenerated Ìýa Ìýseries Ìýof initiatives Ìýintended Ìýto Ìýstrengthen ÌýScripps’ ability Ìýto Ìýtrain Ìýstudents Ìýin Ìýthose Ìýskills.

Yet, Ìýas ÌýAmy ÌýMarcus-Newhall, Ìývice Ìýpresident for Ìýacademic Ìýaffairs, Ìýdean Ìýof Ìýfaculty, and Ìýprofessor Ìýof Ìýpsychology, Ìýexplains Ìýit, Scripps Ìýisn’t Ìýlooking Ìýto Ìýstart Ìýa Ìýcomputer science Ìýdepartment Ìýbut, Ìýrather, Ìýto Ìýinfuse computational Ìýskills Ìýinto Ìýits Ìýestablished liberal Ìýarts Ìýcurriculum. Ìý“Our Ìýstudents Ìýare more Ìýand Ìýmore Ìýinterested Ìýin Ìýcomputer Ìýscience, but Ìýthey Ìýare Ìýcoming Ìýto Ìýlearn Ìýthose Ìýskills within Ìýa Ìýhumanities Ìýbackground— Ìýwithin Ìýthe framework Ìýof Ìýthe Ìýinterdisciplinary Ìýhumanities core, Ìýthe Ìýarts Ìýand Ìýletters. ÌýThey Ìýare Ìýdrawn here Ìýbecause Ìýof ÌýScripps’ Ìýspecific Ìýapproach Ìýto thinking,” Ìýshe Ìýsays.

To addressÌýthat Ìýniche, Ìýthe College is exploring aÌýrange of strategies, Ìýincluding hosting visitingÌýfaculty, Ìýscholars- Ìýand professionals-in-residence, Ìýlectures, Ìýand more onÌýcampus.

“Women Ìýin Ìýtech Ìýfields Ìýare Ìýunderrepresented— this Ìýis Ìýa Ìýfact. ÌýMuch Ìýresearch Ìýhas Ìýgone Ìýinto understanding Ìýwhy Ìýthis Ìýis Ìýthe Ìýcase, Ìýand theories Ìýrange Ìýfrom Ìýbasic Ìýsexism Ìýto Ìýthe learning Ìýapproaches Ìýand Ìýteaching Ìýmethods used Ìýin Ìýthose Ìýfields Ìýto Ìýhow Ìýpower Ìýand authority Ìýare Ìýdistributed Ìýin Ìýsociety,” explains ÌýPresident ÌýTiedens. ÌýIndeed, ÌýinÌý 2017, Ìýinformation Ìýtechnology Ìýwas Ìýrated Ìýamong Ìýthe Ìýworst Ìýindustries Ìýfor Ìýwomen Ìýin terms Ìýof Ìýrecruitment Ìýand Ìýretention, Ìýwith women Ìýmaking Ìýup Ìýjust Ìýfive Ìýpercent Ìýof Ìýsenior executives Ìýin Ìýthe Ìýbusiness, Ìýaccording Ìýto Douglas ÌýM. ÌýBranson, Ìýauthor Ìýof ÌýThe ÌýFuture Ìýof Tech ÌýIs ÌýFemale.

“Regardless Ìýof Ìýthe Ìýcause, Ìýwe Ìýwant Ìýto Ìýtake Ìýa different Ìýapproach Ìýto Ìýsolve Ìýthis,” Ìýcontinues Tiedens. Ìý“We Ìýwant Ìýto Ìýsolve Ìýit Ìýthe ÌýScripps way, Ìýwhich Ìýis Ìýto Ìýrecruit Ìýfaculty Ìýfrom Ìývarious Ìýfields Ìýwho Ìýuse Ìýthe Ìýmethods Ìýof ÌýCS Ìýand data Ìýscience Ìýwithin Ìýtheir Ìýhome Ìýdisciplines. Our Ìýapproach Ìýis Ìýdecidedly Ìýinterdisciplinary, taking Ìýseriously Ìýthe Ìýnotion Ìýthat Ìýwomen Ìýare more Ìýengaged Ìýwith Ìýtechnology Ìýin Ìýcontext, Ìýand that Ìýour Ìýbest Ìýlearning Ìýand Ìýthinking Ìýhappens at Ìýthe Ìýintersections Ìýof Ìýdisciplines.”

Computation ÌýCollaborations

As Ìýif Ìýconnected Ìýby Ìýtelepathy, Ìýsome Ìý330 Ìýmiles north Ìýas Ìýthe Ìýcrow Ìýflies Ìýin ÌýMountain ÌýView, California, ÌýShinjini ÌýNunna Ìý’16, Ìýwho Ìýmajored in ÌýCS Ìýwhile Ìýat ÌýScripps Ìýand Ìýis Ìýnow Ìýworking Ìýas Ìýa Ìýsoftware Ìýengineer Ìýat ÌýGoogle, Ìýhad Ìýbeen vexed Ìýby Ìýthe Ìýsame Ìýquestions. Ìý“The historyÌý of ÌýCS Ìýand Ìýthe Ìýtrends Ìýin Ìýthe Ìýtech Ìýindustry aren’t Ìýfavorable Ìýto Ìýwomen— Ìýnationally, Ìýthe number Ìýof Ìýwomen Ìýin Ìýtech Ìýand the number of women ÌýCS Ìýgraduates Ìýis Ìýactually Ìýdecreasing,” she Ìýsays. Ìý“But Ìýthere Ìýare Ìýways Ìýthat Ìýwe Ìýcan tailor ÌýCS Ìýeducation Ìýto Ìýwomen, Ìýand Ìýa Ìýlot Ìýof that Ìýhas Ìýto Ìýdo Ìýwith Ìýbreaking Ìýdown Ìýthe Ìýbiases and Ìýstereotypes Ìýand Ìýfears Ìýthat Ìýhave Ìýprevented women Ìýfrom Ìýentering Ìýcareers Ìýin Ìýtech, Ìýand Ìýthen demonstrating Ìýa Ìýreal Ìýopportunity Ìýfor Ìýwomen Ìýin Ìýthis Ìýfield Ìýand Ìýmaking Ìýsure Ìýthat Ìýthey Ìýknow how Ìýmuch Ìýthey Ìýare Ìýneeded.”

In Ìý2017, Ìýwhen ÌýNunna Ìýwas Ìýsitting Ìýon Ìýa Ìýpanel for Ìýstudents Ìývisiting Ìýthe ÌýGoogleplex, Ìýshe met ÌýKim ÌýRoberts, Ìýwho Ìýheads Ìýup Ìýengineering education Ìýat Ìýthe Ìýtech Ìýgiant. Ìý“I Ìýlearned that ÌýRobert’s Ìýdivision Ìýwas Ìýbeginning Ìýto seek Ìýout Ìýpartner Ìýcolleges Ìýand Ìýuniversities for Ìýtheir ÌýApplied ÌýComputing ÌýSeries, Ìýand ÌýI immediately Ìýthought Ìýthat ÌýScripps Ìýwould ÌýbeÌýÌý a Ìýgreat Ìýfit,” Ìýshe Ìýsays. ÌýAs ÌýNunna Ìýtells Ìýit, when Ìýshe Ìýbroached Ìýthe Ìýsubject Ìýwith ÌýRoberts, Scripps Ìýwas Ìýalready Ìýon Ìýthe Ìýdivision’s Ìýradar Ìýdue Ìýto Ìýearlier Ìýconversations Ìýbetween representatives Ìýat Ìýthe Ìýcompany Ìýand Ìýthe College’s Ìýadministration.

Fast Ìýforward Ìýto Ìý2019: Ìýthis Ìýsemester, ÌýScripps launched Ìýa Ìýcourse Ìýin Ìýpartnership Ìýwith Google, Ìýspearheaded Ìýby ÌýAssociate ÌýProfessor of ÌýMathematics ÌýWinston ÌýOu. ÌýThe Ìýclass, Introduction Ìýto ÌýPython Ìýand ÌýData ÌýAnalysis, will Ìýteach Ìýthe Ìýfoundations Ìýof Ìýcomputer Ìýand data Ìýscience Ìýthrough Ìýhands-on, Ìýproject-based coursework Ìýdesigned Ìýto Ìýattract Ìýstudents Ìýwho might Ìýnot Ìýbe Ìýplanning Ìýfor Ìýcareers Ìýin Ìýtech, but Ìýwho Ìýwant Ìýto Ìýdevelop Ìýthe Ìýskill Ìýset Ìýto Ìýmeet the Ìýever-changing Ìýtechnology Ìýdemands Ìýof Ìýthe workforce. ÌýScripps Ìýis Ìýcurrently Ìýone Ìýof Ìýonly eight Ìýschools Ìýworking Ìýwith ÌýGoogle Ìýon Ìýthe project. ÌýThere Ìýwill Ìýalso Ìýbe Ìýa Ìý10-week Ìýmachine learning Ìýsummer Ìýintensive Ìýled Ìýby ÌýGoogle Ìýstaff and Ìýlocal Ìýfaculty Ìýin Ìýsummer Ìý2019.

“We are reallyÌýlucky Ìýto be workingÌýwith Google. ÌýFirst, because onÌýa Ìýfundamental level, we wouldn’tÌýbe able to do thisÌýwithout them, and second, because theyÌýare Ìýoffering their considerableÌýprofessional Ìýinsight,” says ÌýOu, Ìýwho is teachingÌýthe Ìýcourse Ìýand Ìýthe summer Ìýintensive.

To Ìýprepare Ìýthe Ìýinstructors Ìý(all Ìýof Ìýwhom Ìýare from Ìýdisciplines Ìýoutside Ìýof ÌýCS), ÌýGoogle ÌýheldÌý a Ìýtraining Ìýprogram Ìýin ÌýNew ÌýYork Ìýlast Ìýsummer modeled Ìýon Ìýa Ìý“flipped Ìýclassroom” Ìýapproach. The Ìýbasic Ìýcourse Ìýcontent Ìýwas Ìýdelivered outside Ìýof Ìýthe Ìýclassroom, Ìývia Ìýan Ìýinteractive online Ìýtextbook, Ìýso Ìýthat Ìýinstructors Ìýcould use Ìýtheir Ìýclass Ìýtime Ìýto Ìýtackle Ìýspecific projects. ÌýGoogle Ìýwanted Ìýthe Ìýinstructors Ìýto experience Ìýthe Ìýsame Ìýteaching Ìýmodel Ìýthat their ÌýCS Ìýpupils Ìýwill Ìýenjoy: Ìýa Ìýlargely Ìýself- guided Ìýexploration Ìýthat Ìýempowers Ìýstudents Ìýto Ìýtake Ìýownership Ìýof Ìýtheir Ìýlearning Ìýthrough trial Ìýand Ìýerror. Ìý“Google’s Ìýidea Ìýis Ìýthat people Ìýlearn Ìýbest Ìýin Ìýan Ìýatmosphere Ìýin which they areÌýcompletely Ìýcomfortable—Ìýin aÌýsetting where thereÌýis no shame. ÌýOne of theÌýways this mindsetÌýis cultivated is by reframingÌýthe concept ofÌý‘failure’ Ìýby creating Ìýan Ìýenvironment Ìýin Ìýwhich Ìýbeing stuck Ìýor Ìýmaking Ìýmistakes Ìýare Ìýnot Ìýviewed negatively, Ìýbut Ìýas Ìýcrucial Ìýcomponents Ìýof Ìýthe process,” ÌýOu Ìýcontinues.

Ou Ìýknows, Ìýperhaps Ìýbetter Ìýthan Ìýmany, Ìýthe importance Ìýof Ìýthe Ìýclassroom Ìýenvironment Ìýto learning. ÌýIn Ìýhis ÌýCore ÌýIII Ìýclass, ÌýWomen Ìýand Math, Ìýstudents Ìýexplore Ìýthe Ìýcultural Ìýfactors that Ìýlead Ìýto Ìý“math Ìýphobia” Ìýas Ìýwell Ìýas Ìýthe self-removal Ìýof Ìýwomen Ìýfrom Ìýmany ÌýSTEM Ìýfields. “We Ìýhave Ìýread Ìýstudies Ìýthat Ìýshow Ìýhow Ìýwomen have Ìýhigher Ìýstandards Ìýfor Ìýthemselves: ÌýWhere a Ìýfemale Ìýstudent Ìýwill Ìýget Ìýa ÌýB Ìýin Ìýa Ìýcourse and Ìýthink, Ìý‘I Ìýclearly Ìýdon’t Ìýget Ìýthis, Ìýso ÌýI won’t Ìýcontinue Ìýpursuing Ìýthe Ìýsubject,’ Ìýa Ìýmale student Ìýmay Ìýsay, Ìý‘I Ìýdid Ìýpretty Ìýwell,’ Ìýand Ìýgo on Ìýto Ìýthe Ìýnext Ìýcourse. ÌýWomen Ìýcut Ìýthemselves off Ìýfrom— and Ìýout Ìýof— Ìýcertain Ìýfields inappropriately,” Ìýhe Ìýsays.

“According toÌýthe ÌýGooglers, ÌýCS classes are often discouraging— Ìýor are even, Ìýbecause of staffingÌýlimitations, Ìýdesigned to be discouraging forÌýmany Ìýstudents. ÌýWe want our course to beÌýencouraging and empowering,” continues ÌýOu. Ìý“Instead of justÌýusing Ìýa program, you willÌýbecome the personÌýwho makes theÌýprogram. ÌýStudents Ìýwill Ìýgain Ìýan additional, Ìýversatile Ìýoutlet Ìýthrough Ìýwhich they Ìýcan Ìýmake Ìýconcrete Ìýtheir Ìýcreative Ìýideas.”

According Ìýto ÌýProfessor Ìýof ÌýMath ÌýChris ÌýTowse, who Ìýserved Ìýas Ìýa Ìýfaculty Ìýrepresentative during Ìýits Ìýinitiation, Ìýthe Ìýsix-week Ìýprogram will Ìýbe Ìýa Ìýpart Ìýinternship, Ìýpart Ìýoff-campus study Ìýopportunity; Ìýstudents Ìýwill Ìýearn academic Ìýcredit. Ìý“Teaching Ìýcomputer Ìýscience, both Ìýthe Ìýhard Ìýskills Ìýand Ìýcomputational thinking, Ìýto Ìýliberal Ìýarts Ìýstudents Ìýopens up Ìýa Ìýworld Ìýof Ìýdiscovery Ìýfor Ìýthem. ÌýI Ìýhad Ìýa student Ìýrecently Ìýask Ìýme, Ìý‘I Ìýstudy ÌýSpanish history Ìýfrom Ìýthe ÌýMiddle ÌýAges. ÌýHow Ìýwould computation Ìýapply Ìýto Ìýmy Ìýarea Ìýof Ìýstudy?’ ÌýI told Ìýthem, Ìý‘When Ìýyou Ìýdiscover Ìýa Ìýpainting or Ìýa Ìýpainted Ìýartifact Ìýand Ìýwant Ìýto Ìýknow what’s Ìýbeneath Ìýthe Ìýpaint, Ìýyou Ìýuse Ìýimaging technology Ìýto Ìýpeer Ìýinto Ìýthe Ìýlayers Ìýusing the Ìýlanguage Ìýand Ìýtools Ìýof Ìýcomputer Ìýscience.’ We Ìýcan Ìýuse Ìýthese Ìýtools Ìýto Ìýinterrogate Ìýeven humanistic Ìýquestions, Ìýquestions Ìýabout history,” ÌýTowse Ìýsays. Ìý“The Ìýtechnology Ìýisn’t just Ìýabout Ìýlearning Ìýa Ìýset Ìýof Ìýskills— learning Ìýto Ìýcode: ÌýIt Ìýenables Ìýyou Ìýto Ìýask different Ìýquestions, Ìýnext-level Ìýquestions.”

Technology Ìýand Ìýthe ÌýLiberal ÌýArts

Nationwide, Ìýthere Ìýis Ìýa Ìýdearth Ìýof ÌýCS Ìýfaculty, especially Ìýat Ìýliberal Ìýarts Ìýcolleges. ÌýThe stark Ìýreality Ìýis Ìýthat Ìýpeople Ìýwith ÌýPhDs Ìýin ÌýCS can Ìýcommand Ìýmuch Ìýhigher Ìýsalaries Ìýin Ìýindustry than Ìýthey Ìýcan Ìýin Ìýacademia.

“According toÌýGoogle, the numberÌýof ÌýCS PhDs whoÌýenter teaching isÌýso small thatÌýa liberal artsÌýcollege would onlyÌýbe able to hire oneÌýevery Ìý29 Ìýyears,” Ìýsays ÌýOu. Ìý“So, Ìýthe Google Ìýprogram Ìýwas Ìýcreated Ìýto Ìýget ÌýCS Ìýclasses into Ìýschools Ìýthat Ìýdon’t Ìýhave ÌýCS Ìýfaculty Ìýand to Ìýtap Ìýinto Ìýthe Ìýtalent Ìýof Ìýstudents Ìýwho Ìýget weeded Ìýout Ìýof Ìýintroductory Ìýcourses Ìýthat, Ìýof necessity, Ìýare Ìýcommonly Ìýdesigned Ìýto Ìýrestrict the Ìýnumber Ìýof Ìýmajors.”

And Ìýat Ìýa Ìýliberal Ìýarts Ìýcollege Ìýlike ÌýScripps, creative Ìýthinking Ìýis Ìýkey. ÌýIn Ìýthe Ìýquest Ìýto find Ìýeven Ìýmore Ìýopportunities Ìýfor Ìýstudents Ìýto engage Ìýin Ìýcomputational Ìýthinking, ÌýScripps Ìýis Ìýalso Ìýpartnering Ìýwith ÌýDavidson ÌýCollege Ìýand other Ìýschools Ìýin Ìýan Ìýimmersive Ìýprogram Ìýtaking place Ìýthis Ìýsummer Ìýin Ìýthe ÌýSan ÌýFrancisco ÌýBay Area. ÌýDesigned Ìýspecifically Ìýfor Ìýstudents majoring Ìýin Ìýthe Ìýliberal Ìýarts, Ìýthe Ìýprogram will Ìýteach Ìýcomputational Ìýthinking Ìýand software Ìýengineering Ìýgeared Ìýtoward Ìýsolving problems Ìýwithin Ìýthe Ìýhumanities. Ìý“The Ìýprogram is Ìýabout Ìýputting Ìýcomputer Ìýscience Ìýand technology Ìýin Ìýa Ìýsocietal Ìýcontext Ìýand Ìýusing critical Ìýthinking Ìýand Ìýcritique Ìýas Ìýa Ìýmode for Ìýconsidering Ìýthe Ìýrole Ìýof Ìýtechnology Ìýin society,” Ìýsays ÌýPresident ÌýTiedens.

In Ìýorder Ìýto Ìýoffer ÌýCS Ìýtraining Ìýregardless of Ìýthe Ìýshortage Ìýof Ìýfaculty, ÌýScripps Ìýis Ìýon track Ìýto Ìýhire Ìýa Ìýfaculty Ìýmember Ìýwho Ìýholds Ìýa PhD Ìýin Ìýa Ìýfield Ìýother Ìýthan ÌýCS, Ìýbut Ìýwho Ìýhas an Ìýinterdisciplinary Ìýtrack Ìýrecord Ìýof Ìýthe computational, Ìýprogramming, Ìýand Ìýanalytic expertise Ìýnecessary Ìýto Ìýteach Ìýintroductory computation Ìýcourses Ìýto ÌýScripps Ìýstudents Ìý(for an Ìýexample Ìýof Ìýwhat Ìýthis Ìýkind Ìýof Ìýteaching and Ìýscholarship Ìýlooks Ìýlike, Ìýsee Ìý“The ÌýScience of ÌýVirtue” Ìýon Ìýpage Ìý30). ÌýThis Ìýnew Ìýendowed position Ìýwas Ìýmade Ìýpossible Ìýby Ìýthe ÌýFletcher Jones ÌýFoundation ÌýScholar Ìýin ÌýComputation grant Ìýin ÌýOctober Ìý2018, Ìýalong Ìýwith Ìýa Ìýmatching donation Ìýby ÌýBetsy ÌýWeinberg ÌýSmith Ìý’74. Ìý“This is Ìýa Ìýfirst Ìýstep Ìýin Ìýexpanding Ìýfaculty Ìýwith computational Ìýexpertise Ìýto Ìýteach Ìýclasses that Ìýare Ìýin Ìýdemand Ìýby Ìýour Ìýstudents,” Ìýsays Marcus-Newhall.

While theseÌýinitiatives provide aÌýtimely and necessaryÌýantidote Ìýto the limitedÌýCS learning opportunitiesÌýavailable to students at ÌýScripps, some wonderÌýhow ÌýCS fits into a Ìýliberal arts curriculum. ÌýBut asÌýTiedens explains, Ìý“CS and dataÌýscience may beÌýnewerÌýfields, but theyÌýare true disciplinesÌýwith methods Ìýand Ìýdeep Ìýintellectual Ìýquestions Ìýwith great scholarlyÌýwork Ìýfueling Ìýcuriosity Ìýin Ìýthe world. ÌýThese Ìýscientists Ìýare Ìýas Ìýmuch Ìýacademics as Ìýother Ìýprofessors.”

“Computer scienceÌýand technological skills are not just vocationalÌýtraining Ìýskills— their applicationÌýgoes far beyondÌýthe workforce,” Ìýadds ÌýMarcus-Newhall. Ìý“They are increasingly necessaryÌýto Ìýbe an educated person in thisÌýworld. ÌýAnd Ìýas Ìýit Ìýrelates Ìýto the Ìýworkforce, Ìýthe Ìýliberal Ìýarts Ìýbackground gives Ìýour Ìýstudents Ìýthe Ìýanalytical Ìýskills Ìýand perspective Ìýto Ìýbe Ìýable Ìýto Ìýapply Ìýtech Ìýskills in Ìýline Ìýwith Ìýemployers’ Ìýexpectations.”

Research Ìýby Ìýthe Ìýlabor Ìýmarket Ìýanalytics Ìýfirm Emsi Ìýand Ìýthe ÌýStrada ÌýInstitute Ìýfor Ìýthe ÌýFuture of ÌýWork Ìýsupport Ìýthese Ìýassertions. ÌýThey recently Ìýreleased Ìýa Ìýreport Ìýbased Ìýon Ìýmore Ìýthan 100 Ìýmillion Ìýsocial Ìýand Ìýprofessional Ìýprofiles, applicant Ìýresumes, Ìýand Ìýmore Ìýthan Ìý36 Ìýmillion job Ìýpostings Ìýto Ìýunderstand Ìýwhat Ìýliberal arts Ìýstudents Ìýlearn Ìýand Ìýwhat Ìýemployers Ìýwant. “There Ìýare Ìýthose Ìýwho Ìýbelieve Ìýthat ÌýtheÌý ‘hard’ skills Ìýof Ìýscience, Ìýtechnology, Ìýengineering, and Ìýmath Ìý(STEM) Ìýare Ìýmost Ìýcritical Ìýto Ìýthe future, Ìýand Ìýthose Ìýwho Ìýbelieve Ìýthe Ìýuniquely ‘human’ Ìýskills Ìýof Ìýthe Ìýliberal Ìýarts Ìýare the Ìýones Ìýthat Ìýwill Ìýendure Ìýin Ìýthe Ìýface Ìýof automation,” Ìýthe Ìýreport Ìýsays. Ìý“We Ìýsay …It Ìýis Ìýthe Ìýintegration Ìýof Ìýhuman Ìýand Ìýtechnical skills Ìýthat Ìýwill Ìýprovide Ìýthe Ìýbest Ìýpreparation for Ìýthe Ìýfuture Ìýof Ìýwork.”

For ÌýOu, workforce applicabilityÌýis important, but onlyÌýpart of whyÌýScripps should embraceÌýcomputation. ÌýHe argues that knowledge forÌýits own sakeÌýis one true hallmark ofÌýa Ìýliberal arts education: “The ability toÌýcode is aÌýskill Ìýthat ultimately everybodyÌýwill have and, Ìýfurther, will be enrichedÌýby Ìýhaving. ÌýIt Ìýwill Ìýonly increase Ìýpossibilities Ìýfor Ìýour Ìýstudents: like Ìýlearning Ìýanother Ìýlanguage, ÌýCS Ìýopens up Ìýways Ìýof Ìýexpressing Ìýyourself Ìýthat Ìýwould not Ìýotherwise Ìýexist.”
