

This Little Piggy Came Back to Scripps

Each year, Scripps seniors participate in a tradition marking the beginning of their philanthropic support of the College. In addition to raising money, the senior classes of Scripps, Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Pomona Colleges engage in a good-natured competition to achieve the highest participation rate. The school with the highest rate of giving is awarded a trophy, a small ceramic pig named Ellen.

This year, Scripps brought Ellen “home” for the first time since 2001, with a commendable 98.3 percent participation-174 out of 177 seniors. After the competition was over, one more gift came in bringing the total participation to 98.8 percent. This year’s race was tight, with Scripps winning by one percentage point. CMC, which has held the trophy for the past three years, had a participation rate of 97.3 percent.

The Scripps class of 2005 raised $4,411 for their contribution to the Annual Fund. The funds raised provide economic support to the College by supplementing financial aid offerings, providing faculty and student resources, and maintaining the campus facilities.

The senior class gift committee worked in partnership with the Scripps annual fund team to create a student-centered giving campaign. They worked diligently to raise donations by going door to door, offering prizes, and holding events, like a “Free Ellen” party. The senior class gift committee co-chairs, Erin Fry ’05 and Jane Repass ’05, were invaluable to the campaign. The co-chairs put in the extra effort by researching seniors who were off campus during spring semester and encouraging them to donate to the senior gift.

Please remember to send in your gift to the annual fund if you have not already done so. You can donate online by . To be counted in the honor roll, all gifts must be received or postmarked by June 30, 2005, the end of the Scripps fiscal year
