

In the Media (page 34)

June 12, 2020

In the Media: Stacey Wood Explains the Psychological Techniques Behind Coronavirus Scams to AARP

Molly Mason Jones Chair in Psychology and Professor of Psychology Stacey Wood explained some of the psychological techniques behind coronavirus scams to AARP. One of these tactics involves pressuring people to act quickly, which can exacerbate pandemic-related anxieties about employment and supply scarcity.

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June 11, 2020

In the Media: Richa Shah ’23 Cofounds COVID-19 Resource Database for Californians, Los Cerritos News Reports

Los Cerritos News featured Richa Shah ’23 and her cofounders for their creation of CaliResources, a social services resource database for Californians who have been impacted by COVID-19. The database provides information on food banks, health clinics, emergency shelters, employment services, and other resources for seven California counties, with additional county databases in the works.

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June 5, 2020

In the Media: Sean Flynn Discusses Steps to Lower Healthcare Costs on Academic Minute Podcast

Associate Professor of Economics and Chair of the Department of Economics Sean Flynn discussed two changes that would lower American healthcare costs “while delivering universal access, coverage for preexisting conditions, and an ironclad safety net” on the Academic Minute podcast, published on Inside Higher Ed.

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June 4, 2020

In the Media: Christina Edholm Explains Mathematical Modeling of Disease Outbreaks on Academic Minute Podcast

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Christina Edholm explained how mathematical modeling is used to study, predict, and prevent disease outbreaks on the Academic Minute podcast, published on Inside Higher Ed. She also discussed the importance of the role of “superspreaders,” the term for those who transmit infections to an unusually high number of other people, in an outbreak’s impact on the population.

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June 3, 2020

In the Media: Nicholas Kacher Explores the Ramifications of Rising Home Prices on Academic Minute Podcast

Assistant Professor of Economics Nicholas Kacher discussed the effects of rising home prices on regional businesses on the Academic Minute podcast, published on Inside Higher Ed. “We find that higher regional home prices boost the creation of entirely new businesses, especially in areas with high homeownership rates, since homeowners’ access to credit increases as the value of their homes rise,” he said.

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June 2, 2020

In the Media: Branwen Williams Examines Climate Change on Academic Minute Podcast

Associate Professor of Environmental Science Branwen Williams explored humans’ effect on recent, rapid global warming on the Academic Minute podcast, published on Inside Higher Ed. “Our research shows the recent warming is really unusual, particularly how fast and how widespread it is,” Williams said.

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June 1, 2020

In the Media: Jennifer Groscup Explores Why People Consent to Government Searches on Academic Minute Podcast

Associate Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Department of Psychology Jennifer Groscup discussed the psychology behind consenting to be searched by police on the Academic Minute podcast, published on Inside Higher Ed. “Research indicates that the vast majority of people—over 90 percent—consent to be searched when the police ask, regardless of whether they know something illegal will be found or not,” Groscup said.

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May 27, 2020

In the Media: State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson ’71 Advocates for Bill to Examine Tax Breaks, Los Angeles Times Reports

The Los Angeles Times reported that California State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson ’71 is sponsoring a bill, SB 956, to assess tax expenditures—commonly known as “loopholes”—that are costly to the state treasury. If passed, the bill would authorize an economic research team to examine tax credits, exemptions, and exclusions to determine whether the expenditures are beneficial to the state.

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May 5, 2020

In the Media: Hao Huang Reflects on the History of Score Writing by Hand in Strings Magazine

In Strings magazine, Professor of Music and Bessie and Cecil Frankel Endowed Chair in Music Hao Huang shared the fountain pen’s importance in score-writing history.

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April 30, 2020

In the Media: KUAF Reflects on Professor Emerita Samella Lewis’s Life and Work

Radio station KUAF featured a reflection on the life and work of Professor Emerita of Art Samella Lewis during its “Reflections in Black” segment. Lewis taught at Scripps for 15 years and was the College’s first tenured African American professor.

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