
Meet Scripps Associated Students President Niyati Narang ’20

By Samantha Quach

A young South Asian woman with black hair and a green shirt smiling and looking to the left.

Most know Niyati Narang ’20 as the current president of Scripps Associated Students (SAS), but few know what that actually looks like. As part of my position as an editorial assistant and student writer in Scripps’ Office of Marketing and Communications, I joined Narang to find out about a day in the life of a SAS president, what SAS has been up to this semester, and some fun facts about Narang’s background and ambitions.

Samantha Quach: What inspired you to run for this position?

Niyati Narang: Last year I served as the SAS junior class co-president. When thinking about continuing with SAS, I knew that there were two routes I could take: programming or administrating. Given my experience with the Drop Sodexo campaign, I decided that the best way I could be effective and advocate for what I wanted was to take on the administrative role. With the current timing of the Scripps contract with Sodexo expiring this year, I felt that it was the right time to make that push.

SQ: What does a typical day look like for you?

NN: I always start my morning with The Daily podcast by the New York Times, then I typically head to Seal Court and the Motley Coffeehouse to work for a few hours. In the afternoon, I either have class or meetings with administrators. I tend to focus on my other activities, in particular, Drop Sodexo and Mock Trial, whether that is meetings, research, or preparation. After dinner, if I don’t have any meetings, I’ll grind for a few more hours before heading back to my suite and unwinding with an episode of The West Wing. Every day is a little different depending on whether I have a SAS event or an unexpected meeting, though I try to be in Seal Court for a substantial portion of the day so fellow students can come to chat with me.

SQ: How do you bring your interests and passions to this position? How does it relate to your long-term career goals?

NN: Given my interest in politics and plan to pursue that career route, my current position gives me a small taste of what it will be like on a larger scale—to be held accountable by a large group of people that put their trust and faith in me. In taking on this role, I’ve begun to view politics as a responsibility to uphold constituents’ values as a part of my agenda. My activism at Scripps is clear through my efforts with Drop Sodexo; it hasn’t been easy, but it is a worthy and valuable fight. All my conversations with the administration begin with Sodexo, which reflects what the student body wants.

SQ: What is the SAS board discussing in its upcoming agenda?

NN: Lately we have been talking about getting the book fund restarted, an initiative in which the administration provides students with additional funds to purchase books. We are also focused on building community through greater attendance at Claremont McKenna-Harvey Mudd-Scripps (CMS) sporting events and taking advantage of by making sure students know that there are always fun events on campus, and overall streamlining some parts of SAS and its relation with the administration.

SQ: What’s a fun fact that not many people know about you?

NN: I’ve been doing Mock Trial since freshman year in high school and am excited to be leading our team this year. I also spent last semester in Washington, D.C. interning for EMILY’s List, a political action committee that aims to help elect pro-choice Democratic female candidates to office. I am a politics nerd that’s constantly tuned in to real-world, engaging news, and I absolutely love Scripps!

