, but this code // executes before the first paint, when


is not yet present. The // classes are added to so styling immediately reflects the current // toolbar state. The classes are removed after the toolbar completes // initialization. const classesToAdd = ['toolbar-loading', 'toolbar-anti-flicker']; if (toolbarState) { const { orientation, hasActiveTab, isFixed, activeTray, activeTabId, isOriented, userButtonMinWidth } = toolbarState; classesToAdd.push( orientation ? `toolbar-` + orientation + `` : 'toolbar-horizontal', ); if (hasActiveTab !== false) { classesToAdd.push('toolbar-tray-open'); } if (isFixed) { classesToAdd.push('toolbar-fixed'); } if (isOriented) { classesToAdd.push('toolbar-oriented'); } if (activeTray) { // These styles are added so the active tab/tray styles are present // immediately instead of "flickering" on as the toolbar initializes. In // instances where a tray is lazy loaded, these styles facilitate the // lazy loaded tray appearing gracefully and without reflow. const styleContent = ` .toolbar-loading #` + activeTabId + ` { background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25) 20%, transparent 200%); } .toolbar-loading #` + activeTabId + `-tray { display: block; box-shadow: -1px 0 5px 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 33%); border-right: 1px solid #aaa; background-color: #f5f5f5; z-index: 0; } .toolbar-loading.toolbar-vertical.toolbar-tray-open #` + activeTabId + `-tray { width: 15rem; height: 100vh; } .toolbar-loading.toolbar-horizontal :not(#` + activeTray + `) > .toolbar-lining {opacity: 0}`; const style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = styleContent; style.setAttribute('data-toolbar-anti-flicker-loading', true); document.querySelector('head').appendChild(style); if (userButtonMinWidth) { const userButtonStyle = document.createElement('style'); userButtonStyle.textContent = `#toolbar-item-user {min-width: ` + userButtonMinWidth +`px;}` document.querySelector('head').appendChild(userButtonStyle); } } } document.querySelector('html').classList.add(...classesToAdd); })(); Climbing Center Rules | ϲʿ¼


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Climbing Center Rules

Rock Wall

Table of Contents

  1. Calvin Climbing Center is open only during program hours and when a staff person is present.
  2. All climbers must check in with staff person and be registered before climbing.
  3. All climbers must gain instruction, demonstrate to staff sound “palm down” belay technique, dressed figure 8 follow through knots, proper equipment use, and be checked off by a staff person before climbing.
  4. Before each climb, each climber must be checked for 1) figure 8 tie-in knot; 2) double backed harnesses, and (3) proper loading of belay device/carabineer by their climbing partner.
  5. Belayers will take out “rope stretch” to prevent “ground fall”.
  6. Climbers can climb “un-roped” (boulder) no higher than five feet; spotter and crash pads are recommended anytime feet go above three feet.
  7. Maximum number of climbers/boulders at any given time: 24
  8. No iPods or personal MP3 players; all music must comply with University policy and is subject to approval the approval of staff.
  9. All climbers and belayers will exercise behavior that maintains a positive and safe climbing environment.
  10. Only climbers who have participated and passed a Calvin Sport Leading course can lead climb at ϲʿ¼. Please see a staff person to sign up for instruction.
  11. No food or drinks in the gym; water bottles are allowed.
  12. You must pass a safety check before top rope or lead belaying or lead climbing in this facility.
  13. Only staff is allowed to teach belay skills. All safety instruction must be given by climbing center staff.
  14. You must use a commercially manufactured harness that is subject to approval of staff.
  15. No skipping bolts when leading.
  16. The University reserves the right to remove any person from the facility at any time for any reason.

Contact description

(616) 526-7541

Basic information

Date issued
Last updated
Current Students
Prospective Students
Approved by